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Hunter Biden Sues Fox News for Airing Nude Images in “Revenge Porn” Miniseries [Video]

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is suing Fox News for broadcasting nude images of him in a miniseries. He claims this amounts to “revenge porn,” according to court documents filed Monday.

The miniseries, titled “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” aired in 2022 on Fox Nation, the network’s online platform. The six-episode series, produced by the conservative broadcaster owned by Rupert Murdoch’s family, dramatized a fictional criminal trial of Hunter Biden.

The series included a disclaimer stating it was fictional but depicted Biden being prosecuted for corruption. These accusations have been made by supporters of former President Donald Trump, who cite Hunter Biden‘s business dealings in Ukraine and China. However, these claims have not led to any legal action.

The complaint states the series featured real images of Hunter Biden, including nude photos and images of him engaged in sexual acts. It alleges Fox News used these images to humiliate and tarnish Biden’s reputation.

The images came …

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