Small Business Ideas

How to stop spending money [Video]

Video: Discover how to change your mindset and curb impulse spending on The Brighter Side

“If you want to make someone’s heart race, it only takes 3 little words: sale on now.” 

According to behavioural economist Evan Lucas, retailers know this better than anyone. That’s why when you take a peek at an online shop, you’re not only bombarded with flash-sale pop-ups, but you may also consider buying something you didn’t know you wanted. Sales trigger a powerful sense of urgency and scarcity, says Lucas. “We think, ‘If I don’t buy that now, I’ll miss out and I’ll regret it.’ The FOMO can override rational thinking.” Here’s how to ride the wave and stay in control of your spending.

If it’s not something you need, it’s not a bargain

The problem is that not every sale is a good deal or on a product we need. “Discounts tap into our …

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