Small Business Marketing

How to Create Engaging Visual Content with Limited Assets [Video]

At National Positions, we understand that creating compelling visual content can be challenging—especially when you’re working with limited assets. While AI tools offer incredible potential, they’re not always the perfect fit for every project or client.

Instead, we want to share a simple, effective method that leverages two accessible tools: Canva and CapCut. With a bit of creativity and these easy-to-use resources, you can produce thumb-stopping visuals for ads and social media without breaking the bank.

Check out the complete step-by-step instructions above!

Why Move Beyond AI (Sometimes)

We use AI daily at National Positions because it’s a powerful tool for enhancing creative development. However, we know that relying solely on AI can sometimes feel overwhelming or repetitive.

Instead, our focus here is to explore alternative methods that help create standout visuals without using AI—perfect for marketers and businesses who want a more hands-on approach.

The Creative Challenge: Making the Most of Limited Assets

Recently, our team faced a creative challenge that many businesses encounter: working with a single image to …

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