Home Based Business

How some Nevada voters see the affordable housing crisis [Video]

Las Vegas — For nearly a year now, 32-year-old renter Mason Cunha and his realtor have been struggling to find the right home in Las Vegas at the right price.

What’s keeping Cunha from purchasing a home?

“It just doesn’t really make sense right now to buy a home with the interest rates where they are, and with the inventory what it is,” Cunha said.

Vice President Kamala Harris has said that if she wins the general election in November, she plans to work with the private sector to build three million new homes and rental units.

Cunha, a Harris supporter, is in favor of the proposal.

“I think it’s going to definitely help, if you were to double or triple or quadruple the inventory,” Cunha said.

Harris is also proposing outlawing price fixing by corporate landlords and giving first-time homebuyers who have paid their rent on time for two years with up to $25,000 in down payment …

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Home Based Business

Los Angeles tree lovers hope their vital work recovers from devastating fires [Video]

LOS ANGELES (AP) Some people in Los Angeles have worked for years to increase the number of trees that provide shade and respite from heat and air pollution. But the trees were in already trouble before this month's fires scorched more than 10,000 homes and other structures. Tree lovers faced increasing drought, bad trimming