Small Business Lifestyle

How much are jurors paid for trials in Massachusetts? [Video]

As jurors in the Karen Read trial entered their third day of deliberations, they are also more than two months into a trial that started jury selection on April 16.

For those who work, that means nearly nine weeks of lost wages since testimony began. So how much are jurors being paid for that time?

In Massachusetts, employers are required to pay regular wages for the first three days of jury duty, according to the state court system. This applies to full-time, part-time, temporary and casual employees. Self-employed jurors must also pay themselves for the first three days.

For those who work part-time or unpredictable schedules, such as retail or food service jobs or substitute teachers, they will only be paid for days they were scheduled to work or the hours they would typically work in that time.

“Basically, we look at what has been the norm if they don’t have regular hours,” said Jury …

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