Home Based Business

Holiday packages are arriving at homes. Unfortunately, so are porch pirates [Video]

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Now is the time when those Cyber Monday purchases start showing up at your doorstep. Unfortunately, brazen porch pirates can sometimes follow.

Adam Al-Asad and his wife, Georgianna Constantinescu, live in South Philly where they say at least 30 percent of the packages they have delivered are stolen.

“It’s just part of living in South Philadelphia, unfortunately. It’s something that everyone experiences, it’s something I’ve experienced the past 10 years of living here. It’s just something you deal with,” says Constantinescu.

The couple has had everything from camera equipment, to a Halloween costume, even a mattress stolen!

“What are we going to do, realistically?” says Adam Al-Asad. “There’s not much that we can. I’m not going to file a police report for a relatively inexpensive package – and packages that are super expensive, I’m not mailing here.”

The couple sends valuable packages to their relatives who live outside of the …

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