Small Business Lifestyle

Fitness trends to help with your 2025 New Year resolution [Video]

If you’re looking to start (or re-start) your fitness journey this month, you’re not alone.

According to Forbes, improved fitness is the most common New Year’s resolution, and Bloomberg reports that gyms rely on the first month of the year for up to a quarter of their yearly growth. 

Local personal trainer Jarred Berndt said most of those January gym rats will lose steam within a few months, but there are ways to improve your odds of sticking with it.

One is to keep things simple.

“The likelihood of you choosing and completing one goal is about 80 per cent,” Berndt said. “Two goals is like 44 per cent …. If you have more than two goals, your odds of completing those things goes way down, so my recommendation is to pick one thing at a time and focus on that.”

A recent studysuggests you’re also more likely to make exercise a …

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