Saint-Gobain Abrasives announced the introduction of its new, innovative Norton FAB (Fixed Abrasive Buff) buffing wheels that virtually eliminate the need to use buffing compounds. Norton FAB wheels feature a patent pending design, which incorporates abrasive grains into the buffing wheel and consistently results in excellent single digit Ra values ranging from 1 to 5 Ra. The new Norton FAB wheels are tear resistant, waterproof and durable, providing significantly longer life than traditional cotton buffs.
“In addition to virtually eliminating the need for messy buffing compounds, new Norton FAB wheels increase productivity by generating more parts per buff with fewer buffing wheel changes,” said Anne Bonner, senior product manager, Norton | Saint-Gobain Abrasives. “Also, their superior finishing performance can remove costly, extra pre-buff processing steps.”
Due to significantly decreasing the need for buffing compound, Norton FAB wheels offer a more efficient, cleaner and safer way of buffing. There is less cumbersome, time consuming clean-up in buffing …