Small Business Funding

East Tennessee communities to get site development grants from the state to support economic impact projects [Video]

One of the largest grants will go to Morristown. It will provide $4 million for construction work on a lot at the East Tennessee Progress Center.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Communities across Tennessee will receive millions of dollars in grants designed to help communities work on economic development projects like business centers or related infrastructure.

According to a release, the state gave out more than $17 million through 11 new site development grants. Some of that money was heading to East Tennessee, to help communities maintain existing facilities or take the first steps to build entirely new ones.

One of the largest announced grants was $4 million and will go towards Morristown for its East Tennessee Progress Center Lot 10 project. The money will be used for speculative building construction, according to a release from the state.

Another $100,000 will be given to the Industrial Development Board of Fentress County for …

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