Home Based Business

Dumpster filled with flowers starts initiative bringing joy to nursing home residents [Video]

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – After seeing dozens of flowers in a dumpster outside of a wholesale florist shop, Trevor Phillips, the founder of Flower the People, started a mission to rescue discarded flowers and bring them to those in need, particularly residents of nursing homes.

At least once a week, Trevor Phillips makes a stop at Flowers of Nashville, where he loads up his car with flowers that would otherwise be destined for the dumpster.

“We usually get two carts like this with the flowers,” Phillips explains, gesturing towards the overflowing carts. “Usually, my car is to capacity with flowers.”

A dumpster filled with flowers starts an initiative bringing joy to nursing home residents(WSMV)

The flowers, rejected by flower shops and wholesale florists, find a new home in a cooler at Old School Farms, where Trevor works. Then, on Saturdays, Trevor and his team spring into action. They pick up …

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