Home Based Business

Could these new inventions become golf’s next big thing? | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

The concept that Kickstarter, an online company launched in 2009, has built its business on is pretty simple: If I have an idea for a project — an invention, maybe, or a film — I can go to Kickstarter and write a little post about the vision I have for my idea, perhaps make a little video to go along with it, and request however much I think I need to complete my project within a certain timeframe (I’ll need $30,000 in the next 30 days, for example).

Related: 12 Coolest Items At The PGA ShowOnce that’s done, anybody who goes on the website and likes the idea can pledge however much they want to your cause (with a $1 minimum), but there’s a catch: If you don’t raise the amount you asked for in the time allotted, you don’t get any of the money, and the prospective donor keeps what they would have otherwise donated. The …

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