Home Based Business

Bizarre investigation involving loved one’s ashes, breast milk, and jewelry [Video]

CLEVELAND, Ohio — In my continued search for consumer stories that could impact you, I came across a shocking one out of Georgia that piqued my interest.

I immediately started doing some online searches, and I discovered that despite being a case hundreds of miles away, some of the alleged victims were from Northeast Ohio.

Two mothers tell me they sent the most personal of items to Georgia to be turned into jewelry.

But instead of getting a finished product with those keepsakes as promised, a woman is now accused of delivering both a financial and emotional hit to hundreds of customers in dozens of states, according to the Washington County Georgia Sheriff’s Office.

Both women fear their irreplaceable items will not be returned.

“It’s just sad for everybody involved,” said Kristen Feiler.

Feiler turned to the internet to find someone to make her a special piece of jewelry.

“I didn’t care how long it took. I was just …

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