Small Business Growth

Apprenticeships: A Great Way to Embark on a Career [Video]

Apprenticeships are essential for closing the gap between education and the workforce by providing practical training and real-world experience in high-demand industries. They support economic growth, enhance social mobility and address skill shortages.

These programs are more than job training — they invest in the next generation, equipping them with the necessary tools and opportunities for a dynamic job market. Unlike traditional education pathways that often lead to significant student debt, apprenticeships offer a debt-free way to gain valuable skills and credentials while earning a wage. In Delaware, apprenticeship programs significantly impact the economy by improving individual career prospects, driving innovation and fostering economic growth. In doing so, they benefit apprentices, their families, businesses and the wider community.

Yet, the significance of apprenticeships extends beyond economic metrics. It’s about fostering personal fulfillment, financial stability and social mobility for Delawareans. By offering meaningful employment opportunities and pathways to advancement, these programs …

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