Home Based Business

Amy Questions Daughter Eating Leftovers at Her Restaurant Job [Video]

Bobby Bones and his wife ordered Uber Eats from the restaurant Amy’s daughter works at, and they wondered if she packed it up for them. But Amy doesn’t think she is doing anything like that and is just hosting and bussing.  

She recently started bussing and Amy had a question about her taking the food from the table if it’s not eaten. The other night when she came home from work, she had a box with a piece of cake in it and said it was from a table having a birthday party and someone didn’t want their piece, so she took it. It was untouched and she asked permission if she could have it, but Amy wondered if it was allowed. She wasn’t shocked she did it but is concerned it might lead to her bringing home more untouched meals.  

Bones, who used to bus tables shared that he used to do it all the time, if it wasn’t touched. They …

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