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Alabama tax revenues, key trends easy to read on new Fiscal Dashboard [Video]

Monthly reports on Alabama’s tax revenues have been available online for many years, but there is a new place to get context about the numbers and a summary of the key trends.

The Fiscal Division of the Legislative Service Agency is now publishing a Fiscal Dashboard every month for the Education Trust Fund and the General Fund.

“As with everything we do, we always hope to improve our service to our customers (the members) and to the public,” Kirk Fulford, head of the Fiscal Division, said in an email. “It has been on my mind for some time that we need to provide continuously updated data to the members regarding the conditions of our budgets and other fiscal matters even when they are not in Montgomery.

“That information is publicly available on other websites, but there has not been a summary of what the reports actually mean until now. Not many people …

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