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Alabama CHOOSE Act applications now open [Video]

CHOOSE Act applications are open and Alabama families can officially apply for up to $7,000 per student for school tuition.Gov. Kay Ivey signed the act into law in March 2024. CHOOSE stands for Creating Hope and Opportunity for Our Students’ Education, but the leader of a local teacher’s union believes that instead of creating opportunity, the act is taking away from existing resources.”We’ve been against this from the beginning because it takes money from our traditional public schools; a majority of our kids in Alabama go to traditional public schools,” Richard Franklin, president of the Birmingham American Federation of Teachers, said.State Rep. Susan DuBose ran in support of school choice. She said the act does not take away from other resources.”It’s really unfair and insulting to Alabama families,” DuBose said. “We have a $9.3 billion education budget in our state — $9.3 billion — with a ‘b.’ We have allocated …

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