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‘Adult Bullies’: the new toxic behavior an expert says is becoming more common [Video]

TAMPA, Fla. — Children nowadays face bullies either in school or online especially on social media.

But there’s a new world of “Adult Bullies” in families, businesses, communities, politics, and between nations.

“People need to realize when it gets personal, that’s bullying. If they’re talking about appearance, your intelligence, your sanity, you’re crazy, whatever. That’s bullying,” said Bill Eddy, a therapist, lawyer, and personality expert.

Inside his new book “Our New World of Adult Bullies: How to Spot Them, How to Stop Them,” Eddy says bullies manipulate others by using primitive emotional powers to immobilize victims with blame and shame.

“So, you think you’re arguing about an issue like at work, you know, should we do it this way or that way? And they’re saying, ‘Well, you’re being ridiculous! You’re being stupid! You don’t know what you’re talking about! Where did you get your experience?’ All these personal attacks to …

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