Zero Emissions Northwest says its clients are currently facing the loss of $2M after President Trump put funding for the Inflation Reduction Act on hold.
SPOKANE, Wash. — Zero Emissions Northwest is a Spokane-based firm that helps farms and rural businesses from Seattle to Boise become more energy efficient, but now its employees are being placed on furlough after an executive order by President Donald Trump put about $2 million of its funding on hold.
The owner of the firm, David Funk, says the company’s mission is to improve energy efficiency for farms.
“I spend lots of time in my car, drive 20,000 miles, just to have a cup of coffee with a farmer, just to build that trust,” said Funk.
Funk says the improvement projects are made through grants provided by the U.S Department of Agriculture. Altogether, he says the company has received 67 Rural Energy for American Program (REAP) grants in 15 months, worth …