
Making one small change cured my messy ways and made me tidy [Video]

I am a messy person. I always have been. 

As a teenager, my room was so untidy that my mum would put a Post-It note on my bedroom door, warning people against entering for their own wellbeing. 

I like to think that in the 15 years since then, I’ve graduated slightly. And I have – my floordrobe is now a chairdrobe. Progress. 

I’ve always defended my way of living – I am clean when I need to be. When things become slightly too cluttered (items start falling off the chair/there are too many mugs next to the dishwasher/I’m on my last pair of clean pants), I will act decisively, dedicating a half day to sort all of these problems and more – chucking in a hoover and dust of the flat for good measure. 

But now in my 30s, I think it might be time to take the next step; to become a tidy person. 

And so, for the …

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