
Will AI drive explosive economic growth or is it just hype? | Technology [Video]

Nations and companies around the world are weighing up AI’s costs and benefits.

Almost one trillion dollars, that’s how much tech companies are estimated to be spending on building up the artificial intelligence industry over the coming years.

Supporters of the technology say AI will increase productivity, boost incomes and revolutionise the global economy.

But, a growing number of investors worry that AI will not deliver the huge profits they seek, at least not in the foreseeable future.

Critics also warn AI could replace human jobs and deepen inequality.

Calls are growing for regulators to come up with policies to leverage the potential of AI for the benefit of all humanity.

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About those New Years resolutions. . . [Video]

Commentary. Happy New Year! This will come as no surprise to you, but after a little research (thanks Google) I determined the most common New Year’s resolutions typically revolve around self-improvement, health, and productivity. Topping the list is the resolution to exercise more. Coming in a close second is to eat healthier. Saving money and […]


6 Paint Colors You Should Never Use in Your Home Office [Video]

When you avoid bright, bold, distracting paint colors in your home office, you create a space that allows for better focus, increased productivity, and less-stressful days. Make your home office a room that shows your personalitywithout distracting you from the task at handby steering clear of these six color families.