Salford-born Tony Murphy has been “SpeedQuizzing” in pubs, bars and student unions for seven years but running his business online in a pandemic is the biggest challenge yet.
Before restrictions, SpeedQuizzing was a successful in-person quizzing experience, whereby participants could answer questions via mobile devices with a quizmaster hosting the questions before them.
In March, Murphy and colleagues took their business online, hosting quizzes via online streaming platform Zoom, incorporating some of their own coding to the quizzing programme to reduce any lag, and attracting upwards of 80 participants.
“If you’d have said to me on that night, ‘What’s Zoom?’, I’d have said it’s a song by Fat Larry’s Band, and that was it, I knew nothing, absolutely nothing.”
Speaking to Tony on the impact of lockdown restrictions on his career, he described the initial challenges.
“It was just a case of adapting to survive really because being a DJ, …