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How Desire Paths can Transform your Digital Marketing
12 Steps to Create Videos

Storytelling for Business | Australian Film Television and Radio School [Video]

Home Based Business

Become an engaging storyteller

Do you need to come up with a great story idea for your video, organisation or pitch? Discover the power of storytelling that engages attention and invites empathy in this course covering the creative techniques that filmmakers use to connect with their audience on an emotional level.

This one-day course can be taken online with two half-day sessions delivered a week apart, or in-person at AFTRS. Both classes have a maximum of 10 participants.

The five key elements of a powerful story that will capture an audience

How a story can make a message stick in a compelling and memorable way

How to translate these techniques to deliver your own clear and irresistible call to action

Is the Storytelling for Business course right for you?

Storytelling is now considered an essential skill for anyone who needs to communicate effectively with prospects, customers, leaders or peers. This workshop uses practical exercises to ensure you can apply these creative communications skills …

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