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New York State Bans Travel Size Toiletries in Hotels [Video]

Home Based Business

One of the simple pleasures of traveling is checking into a hotel room and being greeted by miniature bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash from luxurious brands that you’d never splurge on for yourself. 

Drobot Dean | Adobe Stock

Unfortunately, these tiny plastic bottles are wasteful and have a significant environmental impact. New York State has just passed a bill banning small “hospitality care” bottles beginning on January 1, 2025. Hotels in the state will only be allowed to provide toiletries in bottles that are 12 ounces or larger. Any properties found in violation will be charged $250 for the first offense and $500 for each additional transgression. 

The law will initially only apply to hotels with more than 50 rooms, and smaller hotels will have to comply with the new rules beginning January 1, 2026.

Currently, California is the only other state with a similar ban in place. Washington state has passed similar …

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