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5.4: Dialogue and Reading (Where Are From?) [Video]

Learning Objectives

In this section, you will be able to:

  • Introduce yourself to others, by giving your name and telling where you are from.
  • Ask others where they are from.


Acquaintance and dialogue between members of the Arab community is one of the most important means of communication among them. Arabs like to meet new people and have conversations with them whenever they get the chance to meet them, whether at work, college, street, home, etc. The dialogue usually begins with a greeting, the most common and formal greeting is “Asalaamu Alaikum” (“peace be with you”), the response is “wa alaikum salaam” (“and peace be unto you”). And handshake usually comes with a greeting coupled with eye contact and a smile, after which the two-exchange information to get to know each other.

Dialog 1

In this dialog, the conversation is between two men (Wajdi & Nooh). Wajdi starts the conversation by greeting Noah and asking some questions. In this conversation, you will learn when, and …

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