
10 ways generative AI will transform software development [Video]

Code generation and copilots are just the beginning of new AI-enabled ways to develop, test, deploy, and maintain software.

Coding in the 1990s usually meant selecting an editor, checking code into CVS (concurrent version system) or SVN (Apache Subversion) code repositories, and then compiling code into executables. Integrated development environments (IDEs) like Eclipse and Visual Studio improved productivity by including coding, development, documentation, building, testing, deploying, and other steps in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Cloud computing and DevSecOps automation tools brought in the next wave of developer capabilities, making it easier for more organizations to develop, deploy, and maintain applications.  

Generative AIis the catalyst for the next paradigm shift. It promises to change how organizations create and maintain software and to enable new development tools and paradigms. The question for many developers and IT leaders is whether generative AI means the demise of coding as we know it. A related question …

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About those New Years resolutions. . . [Video]

Commentary. Happy New Year! This will come as no surprise to you, but after a little research (thanks Google) I determined the most common New Year’s resolutions typically revolve around self-improvement, health, and productivity. Topping the list is the resolution to exercise more. Coming in a close second is to eat healthier. Saving money and […]


6 Paint Colors You Should Never Use in Your Home Office [Video]

When you avoid bright, bold, distracting paint colors in your home office, you create a space that allows for better focus, increased productivity, and less-stressful days. Make your home office a room that shows your personalitywithout distracting you from the task at handby steering clear of these six color families.